Wednesday, August 6, 2014

World of Assumptions....

I don't know what to write...I think its because I haven't chosen a topic to write...So I don't have topic to write, but still I'm writing .... because to make my first post on this blog an interesting one, by finding some good topic to write. The point I would like to make it here is a very simple one but powerful " Every new decision I'm making here is to make my previous decisions right".

Our life has been designed by the decisions we made, either some of the decisions happened due to some accidental incidents or some of them happened due to the pre-planned or intelligent activities.

So a simple word called Decision is playing a very big role in our life...why can't we simply get trained to make only right decisions...?

Here I would like to recall few of my father has always given me chance to make decision when I was at school, That means that he has always given me a choice to choose from multiple options, at intermediate stage, choosing Mathematics as major subject was decision made by me..which indirectly made me to commit myself to fight with circumstances,learn from it, and also developed a view on self respect. At the age of 15 years old majority of the decisions were made out of accident or impulse or by gathering some information through friends or relatives.

With the current circumstances in my life that decision has worked for me, which was chosen out of very less number of choices, with out any sort major future plan , within a very short span of time.

exactly after 9 years from my schooling, To take every major or a minor decision I'm taking so much that means am I becoming slow in decision making ?, does it mean I have so many choices to make a decision?? I do understand that there is no perfect answer for this question but I can give enough reasoning why it's me. Its just because of the fact that now I got more reasons to think..then act.

In my view the word "decide" sounds very similar to the word "suicide". In every decision you kill other available options and choose one, you assume that its right, but forgetting the fact that the probability of happening that decision to be right or wrong is still 50%.If I recollect few phrases from my previous statement I think I can find some conclusion to this writing. Those wordings are " assume to be right". So every new decision we are making out of assumptions.We are making new assumptions to make our previous assumptions to be right, but every new set assumptions will born from another set of assumptions. Assumptions leading us to make decisions, decisions are making us to live our life, So indirectly we are living in a world of assumptions.

Lets find the relevant answer for "What is an assumption?" as per dictionary and as per my understanding I could able to find one of the most relevant definition for assumptions " Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof"( assuming that its more relevant) which is having a very similar definition of MAYA.

So in directly we are living in a world of MAYA, where every thing is defined with respect to other, Individual value or definition of any thing in this MAYA doesn't exists as every thing has been defined by based on another assumption, for example male with respect to the female, right hand with respect to the left hand, north w.r.t south, poor w.r.t rich, This is defined by the Einstein as Theory of Relativity.

So my understanding is that most of our life we live with assumptions, that we are living by making assumed right or wrong decisions, but we are truly living our life here and there , now and then accidentally....

---My thoughts in words...Rakesh Varma Lakkarasu---

What we want to do?? What we have to do???

If you are really happy with what you are doing ? Please read this....

What we want to do?? What we have to do???

These two questions are very well known for us, there is always fight or friendship with words between " I want to and I have to" when there is a friendship, which means if you can't distinguish any difference in those questions from what you are doing? Then you are totally enjoying what you are doing or at least you doesn't have a difference of opinion in your opinion of what your doing? I'm not going to mention about its a good sign or bad.

In my view what it means is at certain stage of your thinking, you made an opinion that you have got what you wanted or you can't go better than what you have, its not worth of trying new, it could be something that directly or indirectly you might got feeling that you have satisfied with what you have got Or you might be thinking that you have over achieved, these are reasonable reasons that we might never thought or might be thought but never continued in our thought, but definitely one will come to a thought that why we have committed to the thought of a thought that made us to stop moving from what we are now? This might happen soon or later.

Once we reach this question we will only get two options which is move on or accept with what you got? we starts distinguishing our main question of the topic which is what we are doing between what we have to do? And what we want to do? If the answer is different to each one another, my friend this the time to move on, but how?among what we want to do and what we have to do which one is more important, better, easy, good? What are the risks in moving from this point? How we can bring a common answer for those two questions? You might be thinking that you have done so much to reach the place you are right now, there might be 1000 people trying very hard to reach the place where you are now, there might be another one hundred thousand questions might be coming to your mind,

Let those thoughts go away from you because same exact reasons and causes were there with you at that time of you committing yourself to become what you are today, but the result is you moved in life from one point to another point , you have seen what you are capable of achieving, if the answer is not matching between what you have to do and what you want to do? Its an alarm for you to move from where you are now to become what you want?

Let's start the game called "Not taking risk, itself is a bigger risk..."

----My thougths in words.....Rakesh Varma Lakkarasu